Kindred Grove


Get Lost in Family History & Find Yourself







I always knew that I would do family history someday.  I took pride in my heritage and loved my family, but I figured there was a time and a season to everything and this season was for raising my children.  Although that too was true, I also didn’t realize how much family history could benefit my life now until the experience found and changed me.  

Three years ago today, I had what could only be described as a spiritual experience challenge me to learn about my great grandfather. I knew that he was a WWI veteran who had suffered the effects of mustard gas, but I really didn’t know much else. The nagging sense of responsibility I suddenly felt to learn more about him would help me through some very difficult challenges in my own life as I cared for a chronically sick child, and also would change my life forever. What started out as something simple, became an awakening in my soul. I found an instant love of family history. 

Along this path, I have formed friends with like-minded people. I have found cousins and ultimately, I found myself. It may sound strange, but I have never felt so much like myself as I have since I started doing family history. It has become a passion and calling for me.

 For a while now, I have felt the need to start my own website where I can help others. That nagging feeling of responsibility is back and I am embarking into another chapter of this journey. My hope is that any of you who would like to know more about family history may glean some inspiration and help from this site. It may only be in its infancy stage, but there is love and meaning behind every part so far- including the name. The name is Kindred Grove, which was inspired by the man who started it all for me- Grover Yelverton. So, to my great grandpa, and to all of you who have forged this path with me over these last few years- this is for you and I thank you!

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Melissa Knapp

Melissa Knapp is a Family History Research graduate from BYU-Idaho and pursuing a MSc degree in Genealogical, Palaeographic, and Heraldic Studies from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland. She specializes in southern United States and Scotland research and works as a genealogical content creator.

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